Monday, December 20, 2010

Ren Lab

The daily adventures at work will never cease to amuse me. Here at the Ren Lab, we have a unique group of extremely intelligent, but also socially adept, hilarious, and fun/alcohol-loving scientists. As one of the lab managers, I have have the honor of planning as many parties as I can possibly squeeze into our schedule and have also started a culinary club, of which I am the Gluttonous Maximus! Aside from party planning, I also occasionally run some experiments and split my cells now and then. 
Ridiculousness is a regular and expected part of our daily lives, ranging from safe-enough, to mildly-carcinogenic, to probably-life-threatening. Today's edition: 
m&m's from Vegas (safe-enough)

TEMED (probably-life-threatening)
Somebody, I'm not gonna say who, but somebody spilled TEMED which is not only hazardous but smells like shit, literally. This also resulted in the disappearance of the print on this hazardous chemical's label. So of course we had to rewrite the information, which included hilarious drawings of a flame and a skull, which could be misinterpreted as a tulip and clown. Perhaps my artist had already inhaled too much hazardous fumes. Hope Environmental Health&Safety doesn't come for a surprise safety inspection today. 


  1. Haha! I wonder who that could have been...

