Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hello, I Live Here

I love to shop! I love pretty things and puppies. I love sunny weather, laying underneath a pile of fresh laundry and getting into a warm car on a cold day. I love shoes. I really love shoes. I love naps and breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast. I love science and Hulu. And, I love blogs!

After fervently following several blogs in this past month (mostly while at work haha) I can resist no longer and am here with my own blog about everything and anything and nothing.
Here are some blogs that I love. I hope you love them too!

1. (This is the blog that started it all for me) http://www.fashiontoast.com/
2. (This is not really a blog. Maybe it would qualify as a community blog? Blog experts, feel free to chime in.) http://lookbook.nu/
3. http://popcultureafternoon.blogspot.com/ (I just found this one today! But I already browsed through like 30 pages. Time well spent!)
4. http://helloloverr.blogspot.com/ (This was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Me being the camel, I finally surrendered to my desire to blog. This is also an inadvertent shout-out to a girl who went to my high school! Hi Melissa! Your outfits are so stylish, I can only aspire!)
5. http://www.thecherryblossomgirl.com/ (a good way to refresh my french avec beaucoup beaucoup fashion)
6. http://www.lushlee.com/ (sweet little design blog I started following after my friend Tuwie sent me a link)
7. http://www.unplggd.com/ (Cool gadget blog)
8. http://www.asos.com/ (This is not a blog. This is actually a trap! Browse/Shop at your own risk)

Eight is a good number so I will stop there.

Today was a good day. My friend Petrus gave me his hedgehog today! It's a girl. Thoughts on what to name her? I'll post pictures when I get a better one.
My boyfriend and I made breakfast for dinner and now I'm tired! A little bit of studying then it's bedtime for me! Good night cyberspace.

Did I mention I love to shop?
http://needsupply.com/ (now I'm just being evil)

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the world of blogging :) I have to say, Rumi from fashiontoast was also one of my inspirations and the way I got into blogging :)
