Nowadays, I can't even imagine a relationship that at one point hasn't had a "chatting" phase where you two sign on to AIM/Gchat/FB/etc to see if the other person is online and have a silent celebratory parade when they are and then you don't know what to say and don't message them immediately so you don't seem too desperate but you're so excited to talk to them (AGAIN for like the hundredth time that day). Then you act nonchalant so you seem more cool than you really are, but really you're just as excited as they are to see your little icon pop up in their chat window. It's the digital equivalent of trying not to make eye contact. Every ding-dong of your text alert sends you into hopeful cartwheels that it's you-know-who, and when it is you may or may not respond immediately because you want to appear like you're doing something waaayyy cooler than watching tv or your laundry or other banalities that occupy your time. All the while, the real emotions behind our cryptic language of abbrvs, acronymns, LOL's, and emoticons aren't really revealed (unless fueled by repeated copious consumption of alcohol; speaking for personal experience).
So today, I think I will say what I think and feel, and I hope you will too.
Unless it's bad; because I'm from the south and my mama taught me that if you ain't got something nice to say, don't say anything at all. (UNLESS they are a real d-bag and really really deserve it. Then let it rip; but that's just me.)
ahhh i love!!!