Thursday, April 21, 2011


It is indeed Thursty Thursday today, and I am here at my desk achingly longing for 5:00, or 4:30? 4:00? It is only 11:00. Bugger.
I woke up late today because I thought my second alarm was my first so I turned it off and went back to sleep, only to leap out of bed 50 minutes later in a frenzy of dog walking/tooth brushing/contact wearing/jean donning. My shoulders and arms are so sore. Thanks Trainer Tom... *daggers*
Anyhow, happy-bruise is looking mildly better but I think she'll still need to put on her happy face tomorrow. Tonight...PBBG. Will I see you there? I HOPE SO! Look for me! I think I'll be wearing my new ASOS T-shirt (it's on sale now! get one!):
I don't know what to wear with it, but I feel like it needs to be accessorized with a drink in my hand.
On a more civilized note, here are some photos from last weekend when I was home with my family.
I have a scrunch-faced laugh here because I'm crouching uncomfortably and so my aunt thought it would help if she held my butt. But her hand on my butt felt so awkward, and she wasn't even providing support! She was just resting her hand casually on the cusp of my buns.  Hence, scrunched face laughing. That's my grandma on the right. I love her white hair. 

This! Is my best buddy! My daddy :) Do we look alike?

@ Matt Wertz Concert @ Anthology in SD with my dearest love Melinda. 
So last weekend, I got a perm on saturday! Sorry I forgot to tell you I think. My hair is pretttttty curly now, but I like it! I hung out with some buddies and we knocked back a few drinks while playing King's Cup on my phone haha. (I have an app for that!) Sunday, I had lunch with my aunt and grandma and when I got back to SD @ night, Melinda and I went to see one of my favorite artists, Matt Wertz perform his beautiful guitar vocal masterpieces. Check him out. If my heart had a song, I think it'd sing a remix of Matt Wertz and Usher.
I think I'm going to slowly eat my lunch now. And then get coffee so that this day can pass more quickly! Yippee!

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